Frédéric Barraquand
Frédéric Barraquand
Follow-up question: are there preferred preprint and postprint servers? I've got to deposit on HAL (or arXiv then HAL). I've seen published ReScience papers on HAL not arXiv so I'd...
From the list I can suggest @pboesu and @ha0ye. Outside the list Zachary R Miller (@zacharyrmiller) and Jurg W. Spaak (@juergspaak) [to whom I mention that ReScience C is a...
Hi @juergspaak, thanks for asking, the review process at ReScience occurs indeed through GitHub issues -- however, as it is our paper being reviewed I can only suggest referees and...
Thank you @swmpkim for this first part of the review. @tpoisot, just a reminder: the requested referee suggestions are listed above.
@swmpkim Many thanks for checking (and more generally for your detailed comments).
Hello @tpoisot We have now revised the manuscript ([pdf](, revised files have been pushed to the main branch). The response letter is attached to this comment in pdf format (too...