Florian Bernard

Results 15 comments of Florian Bernard

I have a similar problem on iOS when writing file of 90Mb. Webview restart whithout any error trace before end of writing. Using https://gist.github.com/M3psipax/027ca0df737800163f54a771862c1310 (with arraybuffer instead blob) fix the...

Same issue here, I use the following workaround to expose folder and all its subfolders : ```swift private func exposeFolderRecursively(httpServer: HttpServer, folderUrl: URL ){ let rootLastPathComponent = folderUrl.lastPathComponent httpServer[rootLastPathComponent +...

#48 allows to custom tooltip border

Hi there, got the same problem but it's working in debug mode and not through TestFlight (in release mode)... Since iOS 14 an entitlement is required to listen UDP broadcasting...

Hi @igorsquadra, FYI my request was approved : _Your request to use Multicast Networking was approved. You can now add the Multicast Networking entitlement with your Provisioning Profile. Instructions for...

Hi there, for information it's working well on iOS 14 in **release** mode. After my request for entitlement was approved, I add the new network Capability to my App Identifier...

I finally added a test with DuckDB that uses `ArrowArrayStreamReader`

Hi @koperagen it seems to be a JNI issue, I just checked and it works well both on my MacBook Pro (M1) and on a PC with Windows 10 (intel...

Effectively, I also reproduced the issue with docker, downgrading arrow dependency to the version `14.0.2` seems to fix the error. I'll update the PR and check try to dig on...

Actually URI parsing is done natively by arrow and it supports only few file systems and unfortunately http(s) is not supported yet : - local file: `file:/filename.parquet` - AWS S3:...