Fayland Lam
Fayland Lam
one of my issue is that CloudFlare actually detects the order of headers. and return 403 forbidden if the order is not correct. (I can provider example if you need...
not sure. I have to overwrite *Mojo::Headers::to_string* to make it working right now. thinking it might be good if we can do a feature to make header sortable. if it's...
on hook before_error_render, reset the $self->{exception} = undef; and it should work. ``` hook 'before_error_render' => sub { my $self = shift; my $exception = $self->exception; $self->{code} = $exception->http_code; $self->{message}...
I'm wondering if there is any hook called on halt? I checked, after is not called, after_error_render is not called also. any suggestion? Thanks