The panel is normally darker without this extension but is there a way to have it the same brightness as the activities background if I use identical settings? Example: i...
In Gnome 3.38, if you open an App folder from the App overview, the panel is transparent but the background darkens.
I use the Dvorak keyboard layout. If I configure "Y" for strafe right, it works as expected. But when I quit Chocolate, I have to press "F" instead of "Y"....
In the function SetVoiceVolume (i_oplmusic.c), the carrier wave level (opl_voice->carrier.level) isn't used. Is there a reason for that? Or is it one of those "that's how DOOM does it" things?
OPL is limited to 8 octaves by hardware design. Could this limit be lifted?
chip->tremolo is being updated every sample, whereas it should be moved inside the previous "if" block which is only true every 64 samples. That is, chip->tremolo will only be updated...
The stereo extension is a rather odd way of accomplishing full range panning, if you don't mind me saying. What's wrong with sending the panning value 0x30 to every channel,...
For example: `#define OPL_REGS_TREMOLO 0x20`
I've written my own midi player called Midiplay and am currently using Nuked for synthesizing the output. Each time I change midi tracks, I call `OPL3_Reset,` but it can (but...
Once the tests are finished, my emulator was not re-enabling interrupts, or so I thought. After much head scratching, I realised I wasn't handling IM 0 at all, but then...