Fabian Windheuser
Fabian Windheuser
Internally we have pretty much standardized on using Intellij, which is why the eclipse plugin did not really get much attention unfortunately. Generally happy to accept such a contribution! I...
> Thanks for your response! For the reasons you stated I am considering if maybe maintaining the plugin by myself as a standalone project may the the better alternative. I...
Can report the same (using google-java-format plugin and intellij 2020.2). I think this is because the default Intellij runtime still uses jdk 11 (at least for 2020.2 and lower)....
In our fork of google-java-format, we solved this with the workaround of bootstrapping a new JVM to run the formatter in ([code example](https://github.com/palantir/palantir-java-format/blob/a28899e1a897867c7bdb13015842db4c59e9add2/palantir-java-format-jdk-bootstrap/src/main/java/com/palantir/javaformat/bootstrap/BootstrappingFormatterService.java)). In the Intellij plugin, we retrieve the...
Its worth pointing out that the commit hash you are seeing is not the full hash (which is typically 40 characters long) but an abbreviation of the first few characters....
Sorry you're right, I did not consider that git smartly returns you more characters if the default abbreviation is not unique. Yeah, thinking about this again, I tend to agree...
Hey! > We need it to work with Maven from command line (format) and in our pipelines (vaildate). For using the palantir-java-formatter using maven (from command line or in CI),...
> I have to ask what you base this on "given how infrequent VSCode is used for Java development"? There are currently 17 millions download of the [Java Extension Pack...
I'm running into the same issue here https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/issues/1147#issuecomment-2262683054, where ClamAV also identifies the RAR header in the Go binary but then reads incorrect archive size headers causing a `MaxFileSize` warning....
I'm running into a similar issue trying to upgrade ClamAV from the 0.x LTS to 1.x. Note that ClamAV `1.0.5` reports this as `MaxScanSize` while ClamAV `1.3.1` flags this as...