Fawaz Ahmed

Results 20 comments of Fawaz Ahmed

Till this commit is merged, we can use a workaround. `yarn add -D babel-plugin-module-resolver` and in your .babelrc add the following : ``` "plugins": [ ["module-resolver", { "alias": { "react-native-fetch-blob":...

Hi @patidararvind , thanks for sharing this. The styles you are passing seem to have a text value in the array: ``` seeLessStyle={[styles.lessText, 'less']} seeMoreStyle={[styles.moreText, 'more']} ``` Can you please...

@iamhaamed To pass any custom text component, you pass like this `customTextComponent={Text}` It means it will use this component to display the underlying text. Same component is then used to...

Sample code: ``` import React from 'react'; import {SafeAreaView, StyleSheet, View} from 'react-native'; import ReadMore from '@fawazahmed/react-native-read-more'; import ParsedText from 'react-native-parsed-text'; const App = () => { return ( Hello...

However, formatting goes away while collapsed:

@saad9624-tribalScale you can use the `onExpand` and `onCollapse` callback props

@saad9624-tribalScale none of the methods can be called from outside. Can you explain what is the use case that you're trying to achieve ?

@saad9624-tribalScale at the moment its not supported

@saad9624-tribalScale in this file https://github.com/fawaz-ahmed/react-native-read-more/blob/master/example/src/ReadMore.js line 182 The `toggle` method, you need to call this from outside. Pass a ref to ReadMore and try calling this method. Otherwise you can...

@pandiarajanvp thanks for raising this issue. Some more info I need to resolve this. What is the width of parent View container ? What is the width of Text container...