Fawad Khalil
Fawad Khalil
Edited the statements to give more explanation about the problem.
I tried using `beforeRedirect` as follows, but it does not get called: ``` axios .put(url, data, { params, paramsSerializer: function (params) { return queryString.stringify(params); }, headers, beforeRedirect: (options, response) =>...
I have also tried setting global headers and used pre-request interceptor. That also didn't work for the redirected URL. They work for the original URL only.
Updated the react-native info output
Updated the react-native info output
@hramos Please help
I had tried building 0.70.0 as well to test it out but failed due to this https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzzjs/issues/34.
It is a dup of https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/26311 but couldn't find its solution at that link.