Hok Shun Poon

Results 80 issues of Hok Shun Poon

I'm using `AWPagedArray` in conjunction with `SelfSizingWaterfallCollectionViewLayout`. Whenever a network request comes back with a page of data, I want to invalidate only those cells. Reason being, if I just...

``` objc -[MakeEatSeeUI.RecipeWaterfallViewController numberOfSectionsInCollectionView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fc243d128e0' *** First throw call stack: ```

I want to self-size cells in my collection view, so I need a means of updating the cell's constraints based on the content. The content in this case is a...

TOMSSuggestionBar doesn't work with `UITextViews` at the moment because it works with any `UIControl `, which `UITextView` is not. In fact, `UITextView` is a subclass of `UIScrollView `. **Problem**: the...

### Specific Error `MESContinent` is a `NSManagedObject` subclass. It has a `String` field called `name`. ``` objc [ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: the entity (null) is not key value coding-compliant for the key...

Despite the changelog saying ``` Now supports @dynamic properties, allowing AutoCoding to be used with NSManagedObjects ``` relations (`@dynamic NSSet`s) aren't encoded properly. ## Reproduction Make a simple model with...

I'd love to use AutoCoding with `NSManagedObjects`. Seriously, thanks for the project! AutoCoding really liberates data on iOS!

Thanks for putting RRFPSBar together! It's really going to help me gauge the scrolling performance of my collection view cells. It took me a while to figure out that the...

Reproduction: 1. Start a test project. 2. Create a view controller with `[UIViewController new]` 3. Hook into its `touchesBegan:withEvent:` method; do something (e.g. `NSLog(@"hello")`) 4. Run the app and touch...