Results 48 comments of farvardin

You can also sync with syncthing. It's what i do for synchronizing my games. I was expecting lemuroid to keep the saves among the folder it picked the games from.

I'd also really like to be able to move the controller elements to a desired setting, for example to really look like the GB. Having the start and select buttons...

it should work with Linux, but it looks like TIC-80 is handling this differently. I remember about this issue now, layout is hardcoded into the application: Maybe we just...

Sorry, I wanted to compile it again but I didn't take the time to look at the build procedure (well, I've had a quick look at it, but that's all)....

I've looked at the updated version on I'm on the same system as before, however, I have some problem while running the command cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel -DBAREMETALPI=1 .. ``` Looking...

About testing the additions to the schemes I don't know how to do this. I hope it won't take too much of your time for mergin this. I thought it...

With `geany -v` I get those errors when opening a css file: ``` Geany-INFO: Bad color 'element' Geany-INFO: Bad color 'pseudoclass' Geany-INFO: Bad color 'pseudoelement' ``` but no color related...

@jtojnar I've installed selfoss on yunohost, and got this "Load list error: parsererror SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data" error as well. I've...

> If you manage to do (point à la ligne et saut de ligne) i'm interested ! @landemou it looks like WORD_REPLACE parts in ``~/.config/nerd-dictation/`` is not working very accurately....

> Agreed! Scaling between 100% and 300% would be very useful! :) @Audiojunkie while not ideal, I've just tried to make a version which double the UI size. There are...