Faruk Toptaş
Faruk Toptaş
Hi @alex-soft-r There's already a gravity implementation. Why is this needed? `titleStyle(0, Gravity.BOTTOM or Gravity.CENTER)`
Please check this example: https://github.com/faruktoptas/FancyShowCaseView/blob/efe261a9901938f6e7e23efee726387baf8c789d/app/src/main/java/me/toptas/fancyshowcasesample/MainActivity.kt?_pjax=%23js-repo-pjax-container%2C%20div%5Bitemtype%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fschema.org%2FSoftwareSourceCode%22%5D%20main%2C%20%5Bdata-pjax-container%5D#L257
Calculations are done when `build()` method is called with a view. If you build your FancyShowCaseView instance after inflation of target view it should work.
Can you share a screenshot to see more details about buggy behaviour.
View is not laid out in onPrepareOptionsMenu/onCreateOptionsMenu methods. Can you trigger your runnable in `view.post` or `view.postDelayed` methods?
You should access the view reference of menu items. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8614293/android-get-view-reference-to-a-menu-item
Can you share the code that you show the FancyShowCaseView?
Thanks @Happeal which view are you trying to focus? Can you also share the layout.xml file please?
you welcome :) I think the problem is that when you build FancyShowCaseView.Builder() the scrollview has no children views. You add views dynamically in to the scrollview otherwise it should...
- How do you populate the scrollview? - And can you clone this repository and run the samples? If samples work well, there is a problem with the device or...