## 🚀 Feature Proposal Would like to know when is newer version of selenium-side-runner will be released? Its been two years a newer version has not released. Regards.
## 🐛 Bug Report In the proxy option as suggested in the [document](https://www.selenium.dev/selenium-ide/docs/en/introduction/command-line-runner#using-a-proxy-server), the 'bypass' option is not considering multiple values. Only the first option value is considered, remaining values...
Hi @janodvarko, We successfully launched our product using har-export-triggerExport-0.6.1 and it's been used by our customers. All credit goes to you for providing this super cool new plugin which uses...
Hi, When I generate the har using this new plugin the "log": {} object is missing. Whereas in the old har-export-trigger plugin the har objects are captured under "log":{} object....