Just had this one too. I unchecked the checkbox "disable cache" under the network tab in chrome dev tools and it worked again.
Before that i tried closing the tab and restarting the browser. And also restarting the game without script and do a restart after that. I also noticed the message slow...
You can actually choose the planet you wanna farm. Just enter a planet manually than turn the script on and refresh. But than as soon as the Planet is locked...
Maybe you have the game open in multiple tabs? I noticed that the score got stuck when i was loading the game in a different browser profile to check my...
This i weird.... for me it runs just fine. I use Tampermonkey 4.6 and Chrome 67.0.3396.87 on windows 10
The script gets stuck during startup sometimes. Can be slow network connection and the timeout function being too short and the fact that you have turned caching off maybe? I...
You guys are on planets where no high difficulty Zones are available. You need to choose the planets manually for now. To do this follow these steps. - turn OFF...
Someone knows what the difficulty value and score on a boss battle is?