
Results 8 issues of farhantandia

``` input_image = Input(shape=image_input_shape) eff_model=efn.EfficientNetB3(input_shape=(height, width, 3), include_top=False, weights='noisy-student') model_backbone = Model(eff_model.input,[eff_model.get_layer('block6d_se_squeeze').output,eff_model.output]) timeDistributed_layer = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(model_backbone)(input_image) t = LSTM(128...)(timeDistributed_layer) -->first output of backbone c = Conv2D(128,..)(timeDistributed_layer) --> second output of backbone...

Hi, first of all, thank you for a great package for ease to implement page transition between app screen navigation. I wonder how to implement the package in the bottom...


Fail to convert tiny version, any help for it? thanks

it works for standard yolov4, but in model.py there is no network for tiny-yolov4, what kind of network that has to be specified? any help for it? Thanks in advance.

**how to predict the class probability? when I set the output to arcface output (softmax) w.r.t number of class, I got an error when run this model = Model(inputs=model.input[0], outputs=model.layers[-1].output)...

is the model support multi-gpu training?

Hello, do you know where I can find the dataset? what type of input dataset which you are using? Thank you.

I have a public key in XML format, does this package able to use the XML format to encrypt data? or need to convert to PEM format? Thanks
