Farhad Nowzari
Farhad Nowzari
Hello everyone, I assume that this is not fixed, is it?
Hi, I have a question regarding this feature. Right now to queue an invocable we do this ``` _queue.QueueInvocable() ``` and if we want to queue our invocables in a...
Hi @jamesmh Well I can add this feature if it is ok with you. I may have some time on weekends for these kind of stuff. I promise to do...
@jamesmh Hi James, What's up? Any news on this ? ☺️
Hi @jamesmh Thanks for getting back. I also like this approach. I'm still on it. I will make the change and you can check it out. I just saw your...
Hi @jamesmh I implemented a prototype for this feature as we discussed here. Although there are some concerns which we may need to talk about. 1. Like making the Queue...
Hi @jamesmh Let me know if anything is needed regarding thie `PR`
Hi everyone, this looks relatively old but I have a quick question. What can be the consequences of adding the following sql to the migration ``` CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG ftCatalog...
> @farhadnowzari I don't know if these statements work across all versions - check out the SQL Server docs for that. However, note that when you use migrationBuilderm nethods, EF...
We have the same issue. we use HotChocolate and when use Schema stitching the Date type in the gateway means only date and not DateTime. so the time part is...