Farhad Dalirani
Farhad Dalirani
> @farhad-dalirani I think you targeted the wrong branch with your changes. This was meant for melodic, correct? Yes, It was for melodic. My mistake.
If you need more detail let me know.
How can I hardware trigger two Basler USB-3 cameras? I have the cable that connects both cameras to each other.
Can you please give your ros config and ros long for both cameras? I have a similar problem which I can not solve: https://github.com/basler/pylon-ros-camera/issues/125
> 2\. sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 This solution work for me. Make sure to do it with the correct python. It is for python 2.7. If you use another python...
I faced the same problem, I used ` sudo ldconfig`, and the problem was solved. Also if followed this installation guide: https://gitlab.ethz.ch/3dv/pangolin
I did not understand what you said; However, I feel your answer related to my question. I installed r3live. I want to use it. When I type rostopic hz /livox/lidar,...
Thank you, source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash did the job.