设置了,还是会停到CHTCollectionViewDelegateWaterfallLayout的断言里。 这里UICollectionView的layout是CHTCollectionViewDelegateWaterfallLayout,它需要遵守CHTCollectionViewDelegateWaterfallLayout协议。而在TABCollectionAnimated里面通过```rebindDelegate```把collectionView的delegate转为protocolContainer,这个protocolContainer无法遵守CHTCollectionViewDelegateWaterfallLayout协议 。
add #import in your Bridging-Header.h file Then you should use the confused code in "JSPatch.h" in stead of use “JSPatch” directly as follow: ``` Eb_tCode.stwa_43("you appkey") // JSPatch.startWithAppKey Eb_tCode.strs_3x("publicKey") //...
for example: ``` @objc dynamic func paramTest(paramOne: String, paramTwo: String) -> String { return "test" } @objc dynamic func paramTest2(_ paramOne: String, withParam paramTwo: String) -> String { return "test"...
if you use python3 ---> branch 3x. otherwise,use branch master you should login your jailbreak device by OpenSSH first If you've never logged in If you have changed your OpenSSH...
use **branch 3.x** instead of branch **master**
` extension UIView { @discardableResult public func layout() -> SDAutoLayoutModel { return sd_layout() } } extension SDAutoLayoutModel { /* 设置距离其它view的间距 */ @discardableResult public func topTo(_ view: UIView, _ space: CGFloat)...
``` import SDAutoLayout extension UIView { @discardableResult public func layout() -> SDAutoLayoutModel { return sd_layout() } } extension SDAutoLayoutModel { /* 设置距离其它view的间距 */ @discardableResult public func topTo(_ view: UIView, _...