Hi!I didn't use the model in comand line, I import it. When I use dbn with pretraining ,should I call the method 'pretrain' before 'fit'? here is my code import...
@blackecho Many thanks! Excellent work.
@blackecho Another question: When I use RBM or DBN, should I normalize my input data to zero mean unit variance ? It really confuses me.
@blackecho Thank you!
@blackecho Without using pretraining, the accuracy on MNIST is 0.92, however, when using pretraining, the accuracy is 0.087, any idea? Thanks
@blackecho Here I found another code, and it works well. However, I cannot found the difference. https://github.com/xiaohu2015/DeepLearning_tutorials
@blackecho I guess the problem is the apperance of 'nan'.Here is a print when I using another code, it has the same problem.I think maybe it can give some clue:...
@blackecho Maybe it is the learning_rate ,which is too big ,making the pre_actiavtion a negative number..