Simon - fantomitechno
Simon - fantomitechno
Current translation forks I was able to find (still haven't checked every fork): @LukeTech2006 @Teapot4195 @DominoKorean @3TUSK
I'm not entirely sure those platforms would work for entire md files :/ I know crowdin for translating json/yaml with a key/value system
> Something like the Wii-Guide would be good maybe: In the _pages/ is a folder of the locale, and then that contains all the pages > > yes having...
I looked on the Weblate website and there's no mention of translating MardkDown files  (yes and their website isn't properly translated 👀)
we need reviewers from the same language as the translation that can understand English too
For me, the PR "workflow" would be: - Fork the repository - Translate the README - Open a draft PR to let everyone know that the translation for X language...
> Bonjour ! Est-ce que je pourrais t'aider à traduire le repo en français ? Bien sur ! Tout aide est bienvenue ^^
here you go
Juste pour que tu saches, je suis sur le fichier du meeting en ce moment
bah comme ça c'est fait :clown_face: