@jakubvano, @balrajOla , I'm still a bit confused , about what you mentioned about using only one instance of the synchronised resolver, should I use that singleton resolver in the...
@jakubvano , thanks, but that would be strange since I'm still facing issue of guard let currentObjectGraph = currentObjectGraph else { fatalError() } sometimes even though I'm using the synchronized...
@jakubvano . Nope. I used a lazy threadSafeResolver in my chatvc to resolve all the cell nodes. Currently I only use it to resolve. In the factory closure, I'm using...
Today got some new findings that I received an error by using an assembly resolver in main thread: Don't know whether is related. I did't use synchronised resolver for this...
For thread safe resolver, I also faced crash in this part:
@jakubvano , what I mentioned is a use case class which only works in main thread. So no need to use synchronised resolver. I faced that issue when enabled 'thread...
@jakubvano for this image I showed: No other thread is included. But thread sanitizer still gives me error.
@jakubvano , sorry I'm not clear enough what you meant but the non-escaping closure shouldn't be the problem. May I show u some of the details of the code? First,...
@jakubvano , thanks for the explanation. You mentioned: > if you are accessing Container from multiple threads, all calls need to be made via .synchronized() resolver. But the thing is,...
Hi may I ask in this thread about push notification too? I'm implementing a chat app using Appsync. How can I detect whether a user is connected to avoid sending...