How to fix the total number of speakers? In most call center scenario, there are only 2 or 3 speakers.
@pzelasko Is there a way to store wavefoem in hdf5 format, then we can load data fast and do on-the-fly augmentation?
I have met this same error on with aishell recipe training. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 428, in main() File "", line 375, in main...
This error occurred around 1w4 iterations in training procedure, the iterations is so large because I have changed the max_frames from 90000 to 10000 to avoid the OOM error. My...
use the latest code with Debug mode, ``` cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. make -j ``` the problem below occured ``` nvlink error : Entry function '_ZN3cub31DeviceRadixSortSingleTileKernelINS_21DeviceRadixSortPolicyIiiiE9Policy700ELb0EiiiEEvPKT1_PS4_PKT2_PS8_T3_ii' uses too much shared data...
I have build the latest code with Debug mode, and train with `K2_SYNC_KERNELS=1`, but the problem `RuntimeError: cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED` do not disappear. ``` export K2_SYNC_KERNELS=1;export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2;PYTHONPATH=/mnt/cfs1_alias1/asr/users/fanlu/task/snowfall:$PYTHONPATH; python
> Try running it with cuda-memcheck. > […](#) > On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 6:06 PM fanlu ***@***.***> wrote: I have build the latest code with Debug mode, and...
Sorry, It's not repeatable, this error occurs at about 6k~8k, 10k~12k, 14k+, etc. So I do't know what batch can cause this problem. in Aishell train dataset, the longest sequence...