Li Fang
Li Fang
I think they mean 512 TPUs and each TPU has 8 cores. So each TPU core has two sequences
Sorry for the late reply. Please check if the `longreadqc` binary file is in the `nextsv/bin/` folder.
Hi, The `sniffles` in your system requires a higher version of libstdc++. Probably because it was compiled by a newer version of GCC, which is not in you system. Please...
Did you test running sniffles itself in the same node? Sometimes the compute nodes have different environmental settings with the login node. You can also find the command of Sniffles...
It looks like your system is lacking some header files. Please try `sudo apt install build-essential`
Yes. Please select minimap2 as the aligner. I have not tested other tools for mapping ultra-long reads.
Hello @543090lee, Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please share your command for running NextSV? Best, Li
The reason might be that some depending tools updated their commands. I am wring a new version of NextSV and will update soon.
Hello @543090lee I updated NextSV to be compatible with the latest version of Sniffles v2 and also added a new SV caller ([cuteSV]( to the pipeline. Please follow the instructions...
@543090lee By the way, I'm assuming your data is ONT. Is that correct?