Fang Wenda

Results 5 issues of Fang Wenda

My code is as follows: ```python'/oneline', response_model=ClassifyResult) @cache() async def predict(sentences: Sentences,request:Request): texts = sentences.texts type = sentences.type ``` It reports error ```python File "C:\Users\fang_\anaconda3\envs\hmqf_dl\lib\site-packages\fastapi_cache\", line 52, in inner...

When I use the gensim's word2vector model, it cannot import model from gensim directly. Hope to add the ability

How to reproduce the behaviour --------- ```json {"id": 19523, "text": "\"颜姑娘。\"易左古不懂颜幼韶所道万福是什么意思。", "meta": {}, "annotation_approver": null, "labels": [[6, 9, "SPEAKER"]]} ``` when to_conll2003, the B-SPEAKER is not corresponding to 易, it...



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