
Results 8 issues of Fan

here, and it still update days ago, i think author can give a link for it.

only can compile version up to 1.5.0


Android Studio 版本:4.0.1 插件版本:1.2.1 系统: windows 10 场景:我查看ImageView的setImageBitmap 出现的情况:点击后,界面没有出现任何变化。 Event Log只有一行: ``` 18:52 AndroidSourceViewer: [] method => setImageBitmap # android.widget.ImageView ```

安装后, 我选了一个很小的视频(大小13MB, 时长10s)进行测试。 ``` autocut -d .\10-20\ [] INFO Transcribing .\10-20\10月20日.mp4 100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 461M/461M [27:26

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When I edit the note create from sublime-evernote on Windows client, It will automatically come additional line, and then open the note in Sublime , it comes ``` //original content...

### What version of shadowsocks-libev are you using? install by snap ### What operating system are you using? ubuntu 20.10, and just created without doing anything else ### What did...