Fan Wen
Fan Wen
I also encountered the same issue. Increasing the waiting time at line 270 of index.ts did not work for me. Anyone has a good solution? For example, this link returns...
Anyone encounters the same issue or is it just me?
Can't wait for the chat/conversation feature!!!
>{tenant}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration THIS IS SOOOOOOOO FXXKING HELPFUL for the 403 Unauthorized error. Also discussed in
Having the same issue here:( Client error '400 Bad Request' for url 'http://index:8081/document/v1/default/danswer_chunk/docid/54918ff1-6d6f-579b-8644-c674a71c954d' For more information check:
I had the same issue: 10/08/2023 12:00:26 PM 389 : [Attempt ID: 4] Indexing job with ID '4' failed due to list index out of range Traceback (most recent...