
Results 10 issues of fc

Hi, When I used the script export_onnx.py to export .pt to onnx, some ScatterND layers are generated. However scatter_nd is not suppported for TensorRT. I use the latest version yolov5-4.0...

Hi. Is there any Websocket client example? I only find Websocket server example but not find any websocket client example (incluing websocket security) with restbed.

I see ACE now support HTTP and HTTPS protocol. But I have not found supports for websocket and websocket security. Does ACE support websocket and websocket security now?


We now have some obb detects, like https://captain-whu.github.io/DOTA/dataset.html. We want to track these obb detects. Can sort algorithm be applied for this type of rotated rects? Thanks.

Hi, The version of vs is VS2015 update3 with latest update vs14-kb3165756. There are some errors when running test as bellow. How can I resolve the problem? In additional, I...

由于IMPLEMENT_REFLEX_OBJECT_EX使用时所在的编译单元与reflex_object.cpp不同,如kafkahandler_default.cpp,那么kafkahandler_default.cpp中的静态变量static cnstream::ClassInfo sclass_info的初始化与reflex_object.cpp中的全局静态变量static std::map sg_obj_map的初始化顺序是不确定的。 如果kafkahandler_default.cpp中的sclass_info初始化早于reflex_object.cpp中的sg_obj_map,那么sclass_info在调用ReflexObject::Register函数时候, obj_map.insert(std::pair(info.name(), info)); 这一行就会导致崩溃,原因是此时sg_obj_map并没有初始化。 其中一个解决方案是,使用函数返回静态局部变量的方式来创建单例。例如: ``` std::map& GetMap() { static std::map sg_obj_map; return sg_obj_map; } ``` 然后你可以通过调用GetMap()函数来访问这个映射,即ReflexObject::Register这个函数改为: ``` bool ReflexObject::Register(const ClassInfo& info) { auto& obj_map...

I am adding gtests for our codes and found your way that may be used. But you said you had tested it only on mac. Is there one version to...
