Marc Falzon
Marc Falzon
This change adds support for location-type usernames, i.e. specifying the IG username `loc:6811413` will retrieve latest posts corresponding to this location. Fixes #3.
Hi I really like and use your add-on a lot, however due to recent technical changes in add-on support by Firefox yours has been flagged 'legacy' and is about to...
Add UI controls to perform actions on multiple list entries (for instance batch deletes).
Prometheus exposes an [HTTP RESTful API](, could be nice for Facette to support it with a new catalog provider.
Among with the current consolidation functions (min/max/average/sum/last), implement _Nth_ percentile functions such as 95th and 99th percentile.
Netdata exposes an [HTTP RESTful API](, could be nice for Facette to support it with a new catalog provider.
Add support for authentication and access control in Facette. First iteration will support: * Login/password based authentication * Role-Based Access Control (global, no namespacing): admin (read/write) vs viewer (read-only) *...
Since the web UI is not very intuitive, implement an onboarding tutorial with visual annotations highlighting some of the least obvious features such as graph folding.
It would be useful to have a graph "pinning" system, for example to be displayed by default on the homepage and also via a drop-down menu in the top bar.
It could be nice to support "fuzzy" searching in the back-end using `trindex` (