You may be aware that there has been recent research effort to combine synchrosqueezing with Empirical mode decomposition. However, EMD has some shortcomings and it would seem there is a...
ive not been able to use safari on windows in forever. i prefer the engine. thanks
@grrrr Hi, my github: https://github.com/falseywinchnet/streamcleaner So, recently, i was reading about gabor filters and learned of your excellent constant-q gabor transform. Not sure I am using it right, but, ie,...
https://github.com/PabloMSanAla/fabada/blob/44a0ae025d21a11235f6591f8fcacbf7c0cec1ec/fabada/__init__.py#L115 This sets a reference, and afterwards, any update to the array being referenced also modifies the array referencing it.
https://github.com/PabloMSanAla/fabada/blob/44a0ae025d21a11235f6591f8fcacbf7c0cec1ec/fabada/__init__.py#L129 The chi2pdf estimation is dependent on df. df, in the example demos, is set to data.size. In the case of fabada_demo_spectrum, data.size is 1430 samples. per wolfram alpha, the...
https://github.com/PabloMSanAla/fabada/blob/master/fabada/__init__.py#L83 this line of code is unreachable: since all the nan's are already set to 0 previously
gunicorn relies on fnctl which is not present on windows. please consider modifying this software to support waitress, which is cross-platform tolerant.
I'm interested in porting my driver to use nusb as a backend over libusb. libusb has had some flaky issues and is gpl, and my work is MIT licensed, so...
The https://medium.com/pytorch/training-compact-transformers-from-scratch-in-30-minutes-with-pytorch-ff5c21668ed5 article written here provides a link to a colab that loads this github repository. It fails with multiple errors- first, the cct_2 is not a valid option for...