Falk Tandetzky
Falk Tandetzky
Hi. Thank you for the report. I am guessing that the barcode is so close that it is difficult for Tesseract to detect where the actual text is. The "T"...
One additional thing that might help, is to limit the allowed characters to digits. See the example here: https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js/blob/master/docs/examples.md#with-whitelist-char-200-beta1
> Then, the sending of the barcode image will be read by the tesseract by extracting the numbers and not reading the bars. Not sure why you prefer to read...
The link is dead by now. Is this still relevant? If yes please provide some more details.
## Workaround As long as direct transfer of folders is not supported one can create a zip-file and transfer that.
Despite the workaround above it would be helpful to enable direct transfer of directories. First step would be to investigate if web-rtc allows that.
It is not possible from a script running in the browser to detect or bypass a VPN connection (see e.g.: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29474328/detecting-vpn-connection). If no one objects I would hence suggest to...