Bind somehow don't work for me. I try to specify local address and interface name but both wouldn't work. Distress with specify interface works correctly and traceroute and same tools...
Thanks for reply. Guess it caused by BYPASS method because I use traceroute and mtr with specify source address and them works correctly with it and I can see it....
In addition - what about some flag to apply bind facility only for direct connections? I mean bind direct connections to selected addresses and don't affect to connections trough proxies....
Issue still actual on v61. I can mix attacks trough proxies directly trough internet of my hosts and direct attacks trough one or several shared VPN hub with bind and...
I just check it again and nothing changes. I use host with several interfaces and several default routes. Distress works with several default routes in main table but don't work...
> Have you tried to debug packets with wireshark and see what's the difference between mhddos and traceroute on IP level? I just test it again with traceroute (it ask...