there is not cysimdjson.JSONParser().parse_string function
it look like that cysimdjson is not yet finished
i find a datasets file on graphgym fold on your video, but i have not it , the version of official release alsi have not ===>(https://github.com/pyg-team/pytorch_geometric/tree/master/graphgym) this is my error...
i find a difference between the graphgym fold like your represent on video and my graphgym fold. you have a datasets file on graphgym fold , but i have not...
i try to back the older commit. it does not working.
this is commit-ID ==>5b4ccafa1409aa4711c0f11713ad53cc79806383 and this is error message ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 5, in import custom_graphgym # noqa, register custom modules File "C:\Users\admin\pytorch_geometric\graphgym\custom_graphgym\__init__.py", line...
this is commit id ==> 20cb2ed89a128119924fdd1f90ff0f57e34b68ce and this is different error message ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 5, in import custom_graphgym # noqa, register custom modules...
which commit ID do you used in video?
truthly , it does not working. now i make up to date. there are the message error. hope you can help me. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py",...
Hello, I am also looking for those datasets to complete my work. Could you please share the dataset with me? Thank you so much! My email is [[email protected]] .