Jan Winkler
Jan Winkler
I'm really looking forward to this feature. Concerning @wjakob's 1. point, I have something to add though: The same happens just by moving the windows and passing the `Screen`'s boundaries...
When you try to compile the CMake project that comes with the library, what happens? It is linking against libusb-1.0 [here](https://github.com/fairlight1337/libcflie/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L43). If this works, something might be off with your...
Great to hear, both of it! When you got the library running, I'd love to have a look!
Hi @qwertyuiop7370, thanks for getting in touch. This could be related to [this other issue](https://github.com/fairlight1337/libcflie/issues/10) where the setThrust command doesn't work until you sent a thrust of `0`. You could...
Hm, that's odd. Thanks for the remark, though. I don't work with CodeBlocks. Could it be that it doesn't use `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/` in the linker directive per se? [This](http://www.salomonsson.se/posts/linking-libraries-in-cpp.html) seems to...
Ah, just replied to your mail. How did you figure out the 60 Hz exactly? That definitely could be (for a number of reasons..), the most prominent being: - `std::list`...
Hi there, Thanks for the feedback! I remember having had that kind of problem a couple of times, but it eventually went away after re-flashing the firmware. It might have...
Great you figured that out! And the way to enable that via control commands is to set thrust to 0 initially before trying to control the motors? Maybe a setup...
Great, thanks.
Maybe it's a suitable measure to include a dummy zero-thrust command when starting the copter. I'll see after adding it. Thanks for confirming the bug and its workaround. > On...