Fahmi Elfituri
Fahmi Elfituri
### Describe the feature As a module author, I would like my composables defined inside the module to be customizable by the app, in case some customization is needed. it...
payloadExtraction does not work for alternate URL (with/without trailing slash) when using catchall
### Environment ------------------------------ - Operating System: `Linux` - Node Version: `v16.14.2` - Nuxt Version: `3.2.3` - Nitro Version: `2.2.3` - Package Manager: `[email protected]` - Builder: `vite` - User Config: `-`...
## Description This PR adds the css class 'v-window__container--is-active' when the window is in transitioning. this existed in vuetify 2 but didn't make to vuetify 3. My use case: I...
**Feature** Adding the ability to set a custom name for a backup either through the facade or the gui I have added an input to the backup manager page to...