When I try and run the world example there are no shadows, no depth of field effect, nothing, just browsing across some rather small rocky world with a lake...
I am on Windows 7 x64 PC trying to open a 3rd party C# project file. As the project file needs BuildTools v15 to be installed on a machine I...
Although I set my SharpDevelop language to English the error output console text is in French!
I am using Sunflow for test renders so I made my own GUI around it. Everything works except just one very annoying thing: For some reason Display frame (I mean...
Please, update your script!
I am trying to install this php library using Composer FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER but whatever I try it always give an error: `Unable to launch a new process`....
Bolo by fajn, keby tento kod obsahoval VSETKY POLIA, ktore je mozne vyplnit, nie len tie 3 ci 4 (Sprava pre prijimatela, Nazov prijimatela, Datum vykonania/splatnosti, Specificky symbol, Konstantny symbol)....