I doubt it. Transcrypt does not produce bound methods for the built-in ones. I use ``foo['continue']()`` as a work around.
The difference between python and javascript in terms of calling a method is basically python has call operator ``()`` and attribute operator ``.`` so calling a method is two independent...
Swapping lines in c.py makes it generated correctly
Ok, looks like it was already reviewed 3 years ago here: https://github.com/QQuick/Transcrypt/issues/36 and it was suggested to consider it a transcrypt "limitation", but what about my suggested solution above? This...
```}else if (failsafe) {``` this should probably be ```}else if (failsafe !== undefined) {``` as we can pass False, empty string or None as default values
Great news, I will keep on reporting bugs then :)
I hope so. I have a large project where Transcrypt is fundamental part.
IMHO transcrypt is too bugged and fragile in current state anyway, to worry about breaking existing code. Those people who are seriously using it (like me) are kamikaze and already...
It creates major problems like creating unnecessary scope when class attributes will overshadow global variables with the same name. If you have global name ``a`` and want to use it...
I use Ctrl+\ to go to root often too, very useful.