
Results 24 comments of Forrest

Here's how you do it for now `NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR= nvm install 8`

I was starting a brand new project and wanted to build against Node 8 features. I didn't care about safety or stability because I knew node 8 would be done...

Ah ok, excuse me for misunderstanding. I missed that you said: > it's on the roadmap :-) Those are great points. I think, when you do add the ability to...

I'm doing the same thing and I'm getting the same issue!

I just want to say that I haven't missed `lerna exec` at all after ditching lerna for pure yarn workspaces. Things like that are certainly nice-to-haves but I don't think...

How high of a priority do you consider expanded documentation and community outreach to be?

It would be better if the global flags worked after a subcommand, optionally. In our tool it makes much more sense to do `tool subcommand --flag` than `tool --flag subcommand`

@Laureian The server is liteserver... @masious Did you ever find an answer for this? How to set the lite-server headers? I feel like it might be part of bs-config but...

But you could hook into the compilation process before entrypoints are resolved. I ended up doing it like this: ```javascript const EventHooksPlugin = require('event-hooks-webpack-plugin'); const fs = require('fs-extra') //in webpack...

Maybe a little late to the party, but another option may be to use the graphql-request client instead ```ts import { createApi } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'; import { graphqlRequestBaseQuery } from...