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Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.

Results 636 fairseq issues
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## ❓ Questions and Help ### Before asking: 1. search the issues. 2. search the docs. #### What is your question? How to use monolingual data ? Do I understand...

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## 📚 Documentation Hey there, I am trying to play with nllb but there isn't a basic code sample to try it. I can download the `checkpoint.pt` but I am...

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## ❓ Questions and Help #### What is your question? I tried to fine tune bart.base using CNN-DM. However, I cannot learn because I got the following error. ”Cannot load...

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# Before submitting - [ ] Was this discussed/approved via a Github issue? (no need for typos, doc improvements) - [ ] Did you read the [contributor guideline](https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md)? - [...

CLA Signed

# Before submitting - [ ] Was this discussed/approved via a Github issue? (no need for typos, doc improvements) - [ ] Did you read the [contributor guideline](https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md)? - [...

CLA Signed

## 🐛 Bug `torch.jit.frontend.NotSupportedError` while JIT tracing/scripting `FairseqLanguageModel` on CPU. ### To Reproduce Reopening #2741 #### Code sample Please refer to #2741 ### Expected behavior @myleott, this behavior is [expected...

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Hi, I use the released NLLB checkpoint to decode flroes Chinese testset, overall the results looks good. However, I found that a lot of very common Chinese characters/tokens are missing...

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Looking at "MultilingualMaskedLMTask" code, dictionaries seems to be required to setup this task. To build the dictionaries, we require to preprocess the sentence pieces upfront. Preprocessing raw text upfront doesn't...

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不知道怎么形容,但是NLLB 200 demo所展示的,翻译为简体中文的效果真的太差劲了。 方向很高大上,但是实际体验的效果真的不如人意。 加油吧,小伙伴们,期待作出更精彩绝伦的作品。

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According to [this link](https://pytorch.org/blog/a-better-transformer-for-fast-transformer-encoder-inference/), torch 1.12.0 improve inferece speed of [TransformerEncoder](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.TransformerEncoder.html), [TransformerEncoderLayer](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer.html) or [MultiheadAttention](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.MultiheadAttention.html) (MHA) in specific conditions (when we use lots of padding tokens) by fusing cuda kernel so...

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