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A framework for building native applications using React

Results 1074 react-native issues
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### Description Using RN 0.69.4 and enabled hermes causes crash. Able to get it working with Podfile changes, or disabling hermes. ``` $static_library += [ 'React-hermes' ] pre_install do |installer|...

Tech: Hermes
Needs: Triage :mag:

### Description ``` E:\mochol>npx react-native run-android info Running jetifier to migrate libraries to AndroidX. You can disable it using "--no-jetifier" flag. Jetifier found 1278 file(s) to forward-jetify. Using 8 workers......

Needs: Author Feedback
Needs: Repro
Needs: Issue Template

## Summary This PR is for adding the support for `crossOrigin`, `referrerPolicy` and `srcSet` props to Image Component and mapping the `src` prop to `source.uri` of Image Component for the...

CLA Signed
Shared with React Native Team

### Description According to the docs, the ImageSource prop in the Image component should allow for sending headers like this: ``` ``` However, the headers aren't sent in any request....

Component: Image
Impact: Bug

### Description iOS: Image component uses 300mb of RAM to render image that is actually 8mb. ### Version 0.69.4 ### Output of `npx react-native info` System: OS: macOS 12.4 CPU:...

Platform: iOS
Component: Image
Needs: Triage :mag:

## Summary - Just a small typo fix ## Changelog [Android] [Fixed] - Typo in build.gradle ## Test Plan - Check out the diff changes

CLA Signed
Platform: Android
Shared with React Native Team

## Summary The `sed` workaround here in `__apply_Xcode_12_5_M1_post_install_workaround`: does not work when the react native project has a parent folder with a space in the the name, for example:...

CLA Signed
Platform: iOS
Shared with React Native Team

### Description I run ``` yarn android ``` And the boost library downloaded too many times with many boost lib. This is really annoy when I entered in the low...

Needs: Triage :mag:
Type: New Architecture

Summary: Original commit changeset: 90876324de9f Reverting the commit because it breaks the OSS CI. ## Changelog [iOS][Changed] - Revert Move RCTBundleManager.h to its own file in ReactInternal target Original Phabricator...

CLA Signed
Platform: iOS
p: Facebook

### Description Hi, In Android the app randomly crashing with the below error. Got this in firebase crashlytics dashboard and there is no log to debug and reproduce. and We...

Platform: Android
Impact: Crash
Priority: Low
Needs: Author Feedback
Needs: Repro
Type: Old Architecture