react-native icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native copied to clipboard

A framework for building native applications using React

Results 1313 react-native issues
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### Description A simple button element imported from react native will trigger an error when pressed with new arch enabled alert('yeah')} title={visible ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} /> ### Version 0.69.1...

Needs: Triage :mag:

### Description When borderRadius is included in `` style, the entire image range will be forced to fill according to resizeMode. ### Example Image ```jsx ``` ![image]( #### if no...

Component: Image
Needs: Triage :mag:
Needs: Repro
Needs: Attention

### Description When using image with an aspectRatio of 3 / 5, width 80% of the screen and resizeMode 'contain' and borderRadius defined, the last vertical row is repeated until...

Platform: Android
Component: Image
Priority: Mid
Tech: React Native Core
Impact: Bug

## Summary This PR is the dual of the Matrix Tests we added to the Android Template a couple of weeks ago. It adds the same tests to iOS, to...

CLA Signed
Platform: iOS
Type: Enhancement
p: Facebook

### Description Objective: I am trying to use **SignatureScreen** from `react-native-signature-canvas` inside a scrollview. But whenever I try to scroll up and down. ScrollView takes the gesture and moves the...

API: PanResponder
Needs: Triage :mag:

Please provide all the information requested. Issues that do not follow this format are likely to stall. ## Description Changing onViewableItemsChanged on the fly is not supported ## React Native...

Needs: Triage :mag:

### Description I can't build the iOS project, always get the error /ios/Pods/Headers/Public/Yoga/yoga/YGNode.h:14:10: 'BitUtils.h' file not found. I tried cleaning up everything, reinstalling pods with repo update etc. etc., didn't...

Platform: iOS
Tool: CocoaPods
Impact: Errors During Build
Priority: Mid
Type: New Architecture
Tech: React Native Core

Hello everyone, I do not use WebSocketModule but gives this error, please help.

Needs: Repro
Needs: Issue Template
Needs: Attention

**React Native version:** React Native Environment Info: System: OS: macOS 10.14.5 CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 197.04 MB / 16.00 GB Shell: 5.3 - /bin/zsh...

Platform: Android
API: AppState

## Description in my app when trying to use positive/negative lookbehinds i get this error: **invalid regular expression invalid group specifier name** my main app is on react native 62...