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An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.

Results 319 folly issues
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folly/folly/test/base64_test.cpp:73:3: error: non-constant condition for static assertion static_assert(toEncode == decoded); centos7 linux 4.18 gcc7.3.1

When I would run `npm run ios` (`npx react-native run-ios`), there would be a build fail. The debug would say error, "we ran 'xcodebuild' but it exited with error code...

Summary: In gtest-v1.12 there is a new overload of `PrintTo` taking `std::type_info const&`. Our code had such an overload but the two overloads are now ambiguous. Work around this via...

CLA Signed

support `double-conversion` flags for folly json serialization

CLA Signed

The requirements for a good hash is a proper balance between speed and hashing quality (i.e. avoiding collisions), while ideally being performant on varied CPU architectures. Currently one of the...

CLA Signed

It seems that compiling of the main Json parser unit test was disabled due to a 'MSVC Preprocessor' bug. It is safe to assume that g++/clang++ will be used on...

CLA Signed

proxygen-2022.07.18.00 fails: ``` ld: error: /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to folly::detail::base64_detail::base64Decode_SSE4_2(char const*, char const*, char*) [--no-allow-shlib-undefined] ld: error: /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to folly::detail::base64_detail::base64URLEncode_SSE4_2(char const*, char const*, char*) [--no-allow-shlib-undefined] ld: error: /usr/local/lib/

In folly::detail::generic_checked_add

The last time React Native for Windows took an ingestion of Folly was Oct 5 2020. On Oct 26, a new dependency was added in this commit: Add a StringPiece...