folly icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
folly copied to clipboard

An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.

Results 330 folly issues
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I don't sure that I make all in accordance with the your contribution pipeline, so please correct me If there is needed. So, I've made some changes to support the...

CLA Signed

should it be: uint8_t tag = static_cast(ti == 0 ? 1 : tag); but the code is: uint8_t tag = static_cast(ti == 0 ? 1 : 0); ?

disable unsupported operands.

CLA Signed

I'm using folly to parse my configs. To extract double values, I'm using `folly::dynamic::getDouble`, therefore if a value of int is stored, I'm getting an error ```TypeError: expected dynamic type...

The clock_gettime situation on Apple platforms is complex enough as it is. Linking an incomplete implementation in replacement of the global symbol breaks other libraries including libc++ which uses clock_gettime...

CLA Signed

I got the following error when running ./ I'm on Ubuntu 20 with WSL. GCC 9.3.0 Another person posted the same issue earlier, but closed it: How do I...

Hello, We maintain a Native Module for React-Native that supports Apple platforms, and so we (and our users) have a dependency on Folly through the RN ecosystem. Our module statically...

Replaces This more minimal change makes folly compile successfully by showing where clock_gettime() is found on Linux and solving the problem created by ee1e6c7b7219a545093e07b785efb5f396fac1ef when recvmmsg is not found....

CLA Signed

Solves #1658 . Typedef redefinition error prevents apps using latest folly version from building

CLA Signed

On Apple platforms, following the SDK development [1] guidelines, we can check for the availability (as in definition) of symbols using macros. This is more reliable notably when targeting iOS...

CLA Signed