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A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages.

Results 115 buck issues
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Hi folks, I am looking for advice on how tp go “across” dirs with buck/bzl My files are organized as follows: Foo/tests/< a template test file> Foo/srcs/< source files> I...

Is there a roadmap for Buck? Especially when it comes to Windows support.

In order to allow us to experiment on fundamental changes to the core of Buck, future changes made by Facebook’s Build Infra team to the Buck code base will be...


updates the copyright year in the footer of the pages

CLA Signed

Currently, all `dev` branch `publish_docs` jobs are failing [the Java 11 requirement](https://github.com/facebook/buck/blob/dev/build.xml#L365-L367). A lot of things need to be changed to pass that requirement: - Install OpenJDK 11 instead of...

CLA Signed

We've run into an issue where are jars no longer work if they cross the zip64 threshold and also use a self executing bash script that is appended to the...

Trying to fetch the [latest release via Jitpack](https://jitpack.io/com/github/facebook/buck/a8e25cb17d8d5034ae3fa4981e7f78eef25dfb29/buck-a8e25cb17d8d5034ae3fa4981e7f78eef25dfb29.pex) results in an error: > Git error. Max repo size 500MB exceeded **Expected behaviour**: the `.pex` file should be downloaded **Actual behaviour**:...

The tool is designed to help with migrating from gradle to buck. It imports dependencies defined in a build.gradle and generates BUCK files. Please see tools/import_deps/README.md for more details.

CLA Signed

Hi! is there anyway to get an @mayk.it address added to the buckbuild.slack.com channel?

After R22 of the NDK, the NDK is clang only for build it seems? Per https://github.com/android/ndk/issues/1375 this means that the GCC toolchains that are attempting to be found no longer...