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A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages.

Results 115 buck issues
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The value of the `preprocessor_flags` key is not propagated to the compiler when a bridging header (of Obj-C) is precompiling.

I have a full swift app, with some unit tests. Here my BUCK file. It works fine for building and running the app on the simulator. But I got a...


I'm seeing an intermittent issue where occasionally clang fails due to a header file not being found. However, I login to the machine and can see the header file there...


When depending on `mylib#headers` flavoured target, Buck only uses header files as expected and the library is not used at link time. On the other hand, Xcode see the `mylib#headers`...


If I used kapt 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:10.0.0' in the build.gradle and the project had *.kt files would get this error: ``` Command failed with exit code 2. stderr: logging: using Kotlin home...


The documentation [here](https://buck.build/extending/rules.html) seems to be out of date. I can't find `KnownBuildRuleTypes` in the source? Please advise.


Similar to the issue related to build tools version https://github.com/facebook/buck/issues/1953 Updating android.target doesn't invalidate target hash ``` ╰─$ ./buckw targets --show-rulekey //apps/presidio/helix/app-apk:bin_exo 73dd03a0061c6bd0276016a3050db8eea44131b4 ╰─$ ./buckw targets --show-target-hash //apps/presidio/helix/app-apk:bin_exo 89377b6b9f943781b2ce7247dbac1bad ╰─$...


Are there any plans to support JUnit 5? Stable version was released this year - https://github.com/junit-team/junit5


Hey folks, I'm working with buck on iOS. I had an idea that might be useful to you guys, before I dive in let me give some context... ### Testing...


hi, I have been trying to configure buck to use a shared cache on the network. when on both machines i put my project on /home/local/bucktest/application it works great. when...
