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Adaptive Experimentation Platform

Results 219 Ax issues
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The model requires certain features in order to obtain a good fit, but these parameters are not fixed, nor are they necessarily something that makes sense to be optimized for...


I read this [issue]( and found it really helpful. I understand there is a function, `relativize_data`, but was wondering if there is an example that shows how to configure/update the...

Hi guys! Playing with ax for a while, and I never found a "native" way to get a predicted optimal set of parameters. For exemple : If I take a...

question The documentation for `predict_at_point` says at the top that it returns the mean and standard _deviation_, whereas at the bottom it says mean and standard _error_. My reading of...

Summary: I believe this will work better than D37865277 because it will tell us specifically which test failed. D37865277 will tell us all tests that ran after the file was...

CLA Signed

I'm trying to save an experiment with a freshly 'attached' MapData object created by **.fetch_trial_data_multi**. The new data is supposed to replace the existing data, stored in the data_v2 table,...

Differential Revision: D38012733

CLA Signed

Hey, I am testing the recently added HierarchicalSearchSpace ( for my use case. However, I discovered that it is not possible to attach trials using the service API. Below is...


Differential Revision: D37898593

CLA Signed