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Adaptive Experimentation Platform

Results 229 Ax issues
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Summary: The stopping strategy at first call to get_next_trial() raises error since there are no compleleted trials yet to call max() function on. This fixes that. Reviewed By: danielrjiang Differential...

CLA Signed

Summary: implements improvement based global stoppping Reviewed By: danielrjiang, Balandat Differential Revision: D34705629

CLA Signed

Summary: Add a context manager to speed up gpytorch via their provided gpt_settings object. We utilize 3 of their contexts: fast_computations, fast_pred_samples, and fast_pred_var which you can read more about...

CLA Signed

Summary: DO NOT LAND Differential Revision: D34963954

CLA Signed

Summary: This implements the interface as well as a simple global stopping strategy to be used by Ax service and loop API's. Reviewed By: Balandat Differential Revision: D34691150

CLA Signed

In running the multi-objective optimization with outcome constraints using the Service API, I tried calling **ax_client.get_pareto_optimal_parameters()**, but it fails reporting: ``` File "/", line 536, in best_parameters = ax_client.get_pareto_optimal_parameters() File...

in progress

Differential Revision: D27174005

CLA Signed

Differential Revision: D25469455

CLA Signed

Differential Revision: D27712810

CLA Signed

Summary: See title. This diff isn't ready for review by any means, but is an attempt to temporarily unblock Differential Revision: D33853834

CLA Signed