
Results 10 issues of faceair

I am using a modified statsd and I want to be able to implement a metric provider myself.

plugin api

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ymZlc9yuTj8GvZyKz1r3KDRrhaOjZ1W1qZVW_5Gj7gA/edit https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/pull/6635

help wanted

**Describe the bug** After the crossplane parse, I expect all arguments to be unescaped. https://github.com/nginxinc/crossplane/blob/v0.5.7/tests/test_parse.py#L946 Here, arg1 is escaped, but arg2 is unescaped, where the data format is not uniform....

https://www.pcre.org/ The golang standard library uses the RE2 engine, which is not syntactically compatible with pcre. Some systems only support pcre regular expressions, so I hope c2go can convert and...



I saw that the readme described the training data mainly in English, and I was worried that it would not learn the prosody in other languages, for example, the prosody...

#### 描述问题: tabs 的工具栏按钮没有居中,看起来很别扭 #### 截图或视频: #### 如何复现(请务必完整填写下面内容): 演示中的效果就不太好 https://baidu.github.io/amis/zh-CN/components/tabs


**Please describe feature/problem details and solution you'd like.** When requesting an unreachable IP, Thunder does not fail fast. **Describe alternatives you've considered** You can set a smaller TCP connect timeout,...

feature request

客户端现在一般同时支持 brotli、gzip 压缩方式,但 brotli 压缩率会略高于 gzip,推荐在 CDN 的配置中开启优先使用 brotli 压缩的选项。 实测在请求 CDN 地址时 https://registry.npmmirror.com/amis/3.6.1/files/sdk/sdk.css 后端默认选择了 gzip。

example: ``` ' -> String.fromCodePoint(39) -> ' 🙈 -> String.fromCodePoint(128584) -> 🙈 ```