Fabricio Vergara
Fabricio Vergara
Actually I could not find exactly why its not work. Running on development environment I managed to make it work (after a long time trying), but when I tried to...
Trying to a generic solution to work with any iOS background modes but mostly [Finite tasks](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/BackgroundExecution/BackgroundExecution.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH4-SW3). For Android, maybe a Alarm manager with 10 minutes timeout. With [doze](https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby.html) enabled, network...
Note: Wake up or reuse a worker when notification is receive and send through onnotification listener. Behavior will be the same for iOS and Android even in doze mode. May...
Feel free :)
Are you planing to communicate between workers directly ? Yes, it is possible, I only use the mainBridge because I need it to forward messages from worker bridge to main...
Unfortunately it is.
I'll take a look today, sorry to take this long to reply, I'm in vacation. Could you send the complete crash stacktrace, RN version and lib version? Because there is...
I have created a clean install and could not reproduce. In the android project there is a List in the RNWorkerManager, which is only null when you don't call init...
The readme is outdated, you can use the following line: ``` [[RNWorkersManager sharedInstance] initWorkerWithPort:8082 bundleRoot:@"index.worker" fallbackResouce:@"worker"] ``` or just: ``` [[RNWorkersManager sharedInstance] initWorker] ```
I have created my own solution to be compatible with chrome debugger and planning to work with timed background on iOS and Android. https://github.com/fabriciovergal/react-native-workers