Fabricio Vergara
Fabricio Vergara
It is not in the documentation, but for android you have to declare a service in the Manifest: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforandroid/developerguide/getting-started-store-retrieve-s3-transferutility.html on iOS I'm still working on, but with no success as...
Are you sending the image URI. You should send absolute path (like: /storage/0/DCIM100/Camera/Image.jpg) on Android and URI on iOS
Check the SQLite DB file inside the app folder, it's used as upload queue used in the library tunnel service. Probably there is something blocking the upload, such proxy, permissions,...
The "success" is returned when the download/upload is successfully added in the queue. the database can be found in the data/data//databases
adb shell cd /data/data/yourAppPackage/
you should start the worker in another port, 8081 is RN default packer port that will be used by the main code.
Sorry for my absence, my work and freelances was making me crazy. I'll start working in this project again this week. Runnning on Android you should be able to debug...
if it is in debug mode, you should be able to reload the code using "Reload" in the shake menu. But the library is still a little unstable since running...
I don't like to give bad news, but... I already tried to use realm using workers and was veeeeeeeeery unstable, on iOS I could not even generate a release version....
No, sorry :( In my project I was even considering using native realm instead of realm-js because of the chrome debug performance.