Fabricio Cabral

Results 66 issues of Fabricio Cabral

@amihaiemil I've read your post [An Extension To TellDontAsk](https://www.amihaiemil.com/2018/11/10/an-extension-to-telldontask.html) and I liked very much. Congratulations! So, based on it, I'm thinking change the `SqlContacts` code [here](https://github.com/fabriciofx/cactoos-jdbc/blob/master/src/test/java/com/github/fabriciofx/cactoos/jdbc/agenda/SqlContacts.java#L86-L104) to return a `Contacts`...

Hi! I'm using ANTLR 4.10.1 do parse Java grammar to golang code but it doesn't convert all code necessary to compile it correctly. Look at the image: The command I've...

There're two `Body` interfaces in Takes: `org.takes.Body` and `org.takes.rs.Body`. Both do almost the same thing and I think two interfaces with the same name and at the same context bad...

In `pom.xml`: ``` true ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources org/takes/http/keystore false ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources org/takes/http/keystore ``` The same configuration, but just changing filtering from `true` to `false`? Is it correct or was a bad copy and...


Apparently jacoco ins't generating coverage reports (I'm using `mvn clean install -Pqulice -Pjacoco` command). Let's fix it.


Let's replace the `MatcherAsssert.assertThat()` in favor of `Assertion` (cactoos-matchers).


[TechEmpower](https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/) maintains a list of several web frameworks benchmarks. So, it's interesting submit Takes there to: 1. Give us visibility around others web frameworks 2. Compare Takes performance around others...


Takes is a true object-oriented and immutable Java8 web development framework (from the README), but to a true OO system, [annotations are evil](https://www.yegor256.com/2016/04/12/java-annotations-are-evil.html). So, let's remove all lombok annotations as...

Let's create some performance tests so them can be useful to compare Takes performance with others web servers like undertow, jetty, vert.x and etc., as can be viewed [here](https://dzone.com/articles/benchmarking-high-concurrency-http-servers-on-the)

Let's update do cactoos-matchers 0.13. This update is necessary to use Throws class to avoid exception rule at tests.