Fabricio Cabral

Results 78 comments of Fabricio Cabral

@victornoel it's used in `Retry`, `ThreadsTest`, `TimedTest`, `AsyncTest`, `RetryTest` and `TimedFuncTest`.

> @fabriciofx ok, let's do this but also add some more tests for the various constructors @victornoel I agree!

@yegor256 @skapral @llorllale @victornoel @mdbs99 @paulodamaso Ok, I was convinced. @skapral is right. Let's remove checked exceptions because it's more a hindrance than a help. See also [yergor256/takes#920](https://github.com/yegor256/takes/issues/920).

@victornoel I think we need return to this discussion and I vote to remove all exceptions from interfaces. It will be drive to a simpler design and more composable object...

@victornoel I agree with @skapral. And I've a question: is it in your plans start to remove checked exceptions soon?

@victornoel let's remove it. @yegor256 hasn't time to decide it. We're on our own.

@victornoel well, really you think this form more meaningful? :) If I'm not wrong, I saw other people saying to change it too. About this number: it 'was observed (using...

@victornoel [some](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4951369/is-there-an-optimal-buffer-size-when-using-send) [useful](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/236861/how-do-you-determine-the-ideal-buffer-size-when-using-fileinputstream) [links](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10698339/what-would-be-an-ideal-buffer-size) [about](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15540725/optimal-buffer-size-for-read-process-write) [this](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-2000-server/cc938632(v=technet.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN) [subject](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8803515/optimal-buffer-size-for-write2).

@andreoss IMHO extend `Scalar` with `Iterable` is no way but I'd like to ask you: 1. Can we add a new ctor in `IterableOf` to put a `Scalar` instead of...

@andreoss I think it a good idea. @victornoel WDYT?