The barcode scanner appeares to be dependent on: phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner The project appears to be stale and as a result is producing errors. Is there an alterative to useing phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner ?...
I have tried to install this on a M1 Mac running the preview M1 native OBS build. The install goes to plan but the files don't appear in the plugins....
Links don't work: ALX316 - How to Build a Backend for an Alexa Smart Home Skill - This doesn't work and main others.
Hello I want to use the UART with Ardunio but the Copyright message is problem. How do I send AT+Copyright=1 with Ardunio to disable? Cannot find example.
I have a hardware device when it connects I get the following error: Incorrect protocol name: "MQIsdp" ?
Hi Is there a plugin reference document? Thanks
Is it possible to implement TLS 1.2 connection, using root certificate authorities with the ESP8266 ?
Firebase deploy fails with the following error: Cannot find module ./service-account.json ``` const homegraph = smarthome({ jwt: require('./service-account.json') ``` Documents don't mention the creation of a service-account key. What IAM...
Hi It seems k3s version v1.21.1+k3s1 that uses Traefik V 2.4.8 does not by default have metrics enabled. Trying to track down how to make the configuration change.
Hi I have a need to dynamically schedule jobs. The situation is: User creates a schedule in the front end. This will be send to a express backend. The job...